Race Day!

May 11, 2010

Saturday dawned COOOOOLD and blustery.  But because we had pre-registered and because Josh had been training to run the 5K, and BECAUSE the boys have been psyched to “run a race”, we gladly participated in ChildServe’s Run, Walk, Fun 4 the Kids. 

It was exciting to be a part of this event because we LOVE ChildServe and all the wonderful people who help Gavin each week.  The weather, on the other hand, made it hard to be excited for very long. 

Unfortunately, the boys and I were unable to walk very far on the course.  Tate was missing his nap and was letting everyone within a two mile radius know it.  So, we turned around.  (We still got cheers from the people on the sidelines while we were heading back.  I think some people thought I was a freakin awesome speed walker!)

We went inside and warmed up (ate a donut or two) and waited for Daddy to finish.  Then it was the boys’ turn.

Waiting at the starting line……

Gavin getting his game face on (seriously, this kid is going to be a runner some day-check out how serious he is about this).

AND, those are all the shots I was able to get of the race.  There were so many kids and it was mass chaos once they started.  All my pictures turned out blurry of other people’s kids.  BUT, the boys scored these babies at the finish line!

(Gav has been wearing his nonstop since Saturday…….even with his jammies)

A big thank you to our dear friends who braved the cold to run with us! (ALMOST makes me want to train to run with everyone next year. I said almost.)