Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2012

Monday I FINALLY bought some pumpkins (only because Liam said they had been talking about it at school and he was the only one who didn’t have a pumpkin at home.  Oh yeah, we should probably do that before Halloween. Oops. The up side was that they were already 25% off).

We carved up the big one that night.  This is only the 2nd time we’ve carved a pumpkin with the kids.  I know.  Parenting fail.  I do buy some every year though,  we’re just so boring and unexciting at Halloween.  Last time we did it Gav and Liam were little and they don’t even remember it.

So Josh got to work…..

Lookin a little TOO Dexterish in this picture

Victory!  I have no idea why he doesn’t have any clothes on.  I stopped asking that question a long time ago.

Not sure about the squishy feeling

Someday we’ll let the kids watch Nightmare Before Christmas to fully appreciate this guy! (Somebody was also super excited to be up way past her bedtime).

Many thanks to our friend Jack who loaned the boys costumes (because I’m too cheap to drop a small fortune on something they’ll wear once. A shout out to the lady on Craigslist too, who sold me the Storm Trooper costume with working dart gun for TWO bucks!)

And the greatest picture in the history of Halloween pictures:

Love.  This girl can’t get enough of her dad.

Happy Halloween!

(And I find that Halloween candy is OH SO HELPFUL in keeping the children happy and obedient.  One threat of taking their precious bucket-o’-loot away and they shape right up. Not to mention that our neighbors give GOOD CHOCOLATE-that makes this mama very happy!)

Clothing Rules

October 9, 2012

This boy likes to get dressed by himself as soon as he wakes up.  He usually comes out of his room rockin some cool style.  (We’re still working on the basic rules like not to wear blue and black together or just because both your shirt AND your pants are brown doesn’t necessarily mean they go together.  It’s hard.)

Here’s yesterday’s outfit:

I have no idea why all the girls are trying to kiss him on the playground.

And apparently another rule we need to work on is to make sure your clip-on tie is UNDER your collar.


October 5, 2012

My biggest boy is 8 today.  I just shake my head at the thought.  I blinked and he’s 8.  I’ll blink again and he’ll be driving.  Gulp.

Anytime I think about my babies growing up I get teary.  I get especially teary when I think about this boy.  My first.  The one who experiences everything first and who has to bear with me while I figure out this parenting stuff as we go.

So many times I feel like I’ve failed him.  So many times I feel like I haven’t understood him.  So many times I wish I had said or done something differently.

Gavin, my son.  I love you beyond any words I can write on a silly little blog.  Someday maybe you’ll read this and hopefully you’ll begin to understand just how much you mean to me.

The day you were born I was forever changed.  The life I had been living before had little meaning until I held you that very first time.

You are so handsome inside and out.  You have a heart of gold and a smile that brightens up even the grayest of moments.  I love watching you grow up.  I am so proud of you.  You amaze me every day.  I love doing life with you.  You have taught me more than I have ever taught you.  For that I am thankful.

For YOU I am thankful.

I love you.  Happy birthday.