Write It Down

January 15, 2013


I’ve often tried to journal but, like a lot of other things, it falls by the wayside after a few weeks.  You know what they say about good intentions.  I’ve also tried to be the mom who remembers to write down all the funny stuff her kids say.  Like the other day when Liam came home from school and asked to put his tie on.  “Don’t you want to put comfy clothes on?” I asked.  “Mom,” he says to me, “that IS my comfy clothes.”  Well, I have a lot of kids.  And they are funny.  A LOT.  And most of the time I forget to write stuff down.

Sometime last year I read a book where the author was lamenting the same thing.  And then she had a good idea.  Every night before bed, she would write one or two sentences in her journal about the day.  Easy peasy! I can totally do that!  I grabbed an old journal I had laying around from past attempts to journal (boy was it fun to read the few entries I had managed to get in-Gav was 3!)

I even leave the journal on my bed each day which forces me to write in it before I go to bed at night.  Just a sentence or two about the day, funny things the kids say or do, whatever.  So far so good.  Not a hard or time consuming task but in a year or two or ten, I will be SO glad I did this.

And, I am absolutely in love with my Sharpie pen. I have no idea where this came from-I found it in my junk drawer, but oh how it writes. I’ve always been a sucker for a good pen that makes my handwriting look cool and this is it baby.  I guard it with my life.


January 9, 2013

So Christmas was good and the break went way too fast, yada yada yada.  Of course I meant to blog and post pictures all throughout that lovely time off, but alas we woke up last Wednesday morning back to school and work and not a single thing on my to-do list had been accomplished.  Oh well, c’est la vie.

So here we are at another year.  And now I will remark at how fast these years are going.  I am also going to state now, for the record, that I didn’t make any new years resolutions because I will not keep them.  Why make myself a little bit crazier?

2013 is the start of a lot of new beginnings for Gavin.  His two therapists that we lost last year at ChildServe were replaced this week.  So far so good.  I have to say one is FRESH out of college so her inexperience scares me, but I do hope her energy and passion that all young college graduates have will make up for that.  I hope.  The other is more seasoned and sweet, and I’m really trying not to compare the new therapists with the old.  It’s very hard though.

In two days marks Gav’s one year anniversary at Educational Resources where he goes for private tutoring.  Again I will sing their praises.  He has done phenomenal there and his new tutor, Miss Sue, seems to be the perfect fit for him.  Thank the Lord for that.

The biggest news of all is that we will soon be having Gavin reevaluated.  His first diagnosis was in September of 2007.  5 years ago.  He’s a totally different kid now.  Completely.  I am excited and nervous to see how he will test this time.  (Nervous because we could potentially lose our funding that pays for all his therapies and tutoring).

In other 2013 related news, Tate is FINALLY potty-trained.  We’ve been working on it on and off since about October, but over break we really buckled down and forced the issue.  I did the pull-up thing for a few days but we found he was still going in those like they were diapers (they pretty much are).  The minute I put underwear on him, he became hyper aware of when he had to go.  After a few poop accidents (oh man those were awful), he’s gone almost 10 days now without any accidents at all.  I still hold my breath when we go places, but so far so good.  I have become very familiar with the location of every bathroom in town!


(This shot taken after one such poop incident.  Look at that face.)

Well, that was my major goal for 2013 so I guess I can kick back and relax for the rest of the year. 😉